Twelve Seasons is a visionary journey that voyages the self-discovering lives of Ty Tzavrinou. As a narrator, Ty Tzavrinou explores her self-becoming, and the love and tribulations that have arisen throughout the seasons of her life. Twelve Seasons offers an enjoyable and naked renovation of spoken word.
Laundry is a collection of poetry and prose that voyages a transatlantic journey of survival. It explores an ancestral passage of love and loss, feminine divinity, mysticism, and empowerment. Laundry is a contemporary storytelling that takes readers by the hand, accompanying them across oceans of myths, monsters, and Magick. Join the journey and launder yourself of old wounds.

As with any sparkly new year, 2020 rolled in with all the scintillating pomp of new beginnings. It was decided that 2020 was going to be the greatest year yet. We had no idea how right we were: 2020 really was going to go down in history. Just not the history we envisioned.
Soup is a bite-sized chronicle of thoughts and experiences, written as both personal essays and word-for-word journal entries. This micro-blog is where author and poet Ty Tzavrinou came to digest the world of COVID and its delicious anarchy. It's also where she came to be purged, much like an Ed and Lorraine exorcism.